AMERIKASTAN – Conquest From Within

AMERIKASTAN – Conquest From Within

Everly Books Publishing Group| December 2016
ISBN: B01N5A1IXP | Paperback: $17.98 | eBook: $6.99

“AMERIKASTAN – Conquest From Within” screams of political incorrectness pointing to the peril of Islamic religious ideology via jihad to convert and conquer America, and the world. This book eliminates all controversy and wipes the thin-line between Islamic fundamentalism and moderate Islam, as both feed on the same religious nourishment form the Quran, bowing to the Hadith, while wailing to the rise of Sharia — the Islamic law. The author reveals the nefarious decrees of secreted manifestos as commanded by major jihad organizations which inexorably spell out the mission, objectives and methods being carried out today, “from within,” laying the groundwork for ultimate conquest of the west.

“Marshall Frank cuts through the myths, misconceptions, and deliberate obfuscations surrounding Islam and it history, bringing the reader face to face with the true doctrine of the Islamic ideology of conquest and its plans to convert the world to Islam. Prepare to be shocked.” – Lee Boyland, author of numerous books on radical Islam

“A work that requires reading and understanding for the future of our country.” – Francis J. Clifford

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Frankly Speaking

Frank welcomes intelligent and insightful responses to commentary, especially from folks with contrary points of view and other insights to offer. Please keep comments pertinent to the title issue. Though some issues may draw passionate reactions, Frank insists on maintaining respectful decorum and will take the liberty of deleting foul language or an entire comment if it’s deemed outrageously inappropriate. He would appreciate responders who leave their names, city of residence and, if possible, e-mail address.

Frank has been writing and publishing commentary since 1994. His articles have appeared in various newspapers in North Carolina and Florida, along with short stories in many magazines. True to his moniker “Frankly Speaking,”(the title of one of his books) Frank wastes no words in presenting his message as he hits sharp and hard but above the belt. No one would ever call him politically correct. His critics are hard pressed to pigeonhole him as a liberal or conservative, as his views vary depending on the issue. Because he is not running for office nor seeking a job, the muzzle is off. One critic said, “I don’t always agree with Mr. Frank, but he sure makes you think.”